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> Inosel Hotel Group'}; globals.ph = {'ct-name':'NOME *','ct-email':'EMAIL *','ct-subject':'SUBJECT','ct-phone':'TELEFONO *','ct-web':'WEB','ct-comments':'COMMENTI *','ct-captcha':'Captcha','ct-captcha-reload':'Ricarica'}; globals.cookies = {'text':'Cookies
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C.P: 07860', 'email': 'info@insotel.com', 'phone': '+34 971 32 70 70 | Reservations +34 971 195 150', 'opening': '2025-05-16', 'closing': '2025-10-12', 'fax': '', 'type': 'resort', 'logo': '' }); hotels.push({ 'id': '6kQFDJTe8:tW3SETo0CQzQ', 'title': 'FORMENTERA - Insotel Hotel Formentera Playa', 'latitude': '38.685476', 'longitude': '1.467699', 'address': 'Playa Migjorn, 07860 Formentera.', 'email': 'info@insotel.com', 'phone': '+34 971 32 80 00 | Reservations +34 971 195 150', 'opening': '2025-04-30', 'closing': '2025-10-26', 'fax': '', 'type': 'resort', 'logo': '' }); hotels.push({ 'id': 'U6ci9dZIDnXDfayZG5SxNg', 'title': 'IBIZA - Insotel Club Tarida Playa', 'latitude': '38.937877', 'longitude': '1.238244', 'address': 'Playa de Cala Tarida. San José . 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C.P: 07500', 'email': 'info@insotel.com', 'phone': '+34 971 55 82 55 | Reservations +34 971 195 150', 'opening': '2025-04-11', 'closing': '2025-11-01', 'fax': '', 'type': 'resort', 'logo': '' }); hotels.push({ 'id': '5nYy8e$R0bdmMAQTEz5b3A', 'title': 'IBIZA - Insotel Tarida Beach Resort & Spa', 'latitude': '38.939884', 'longitude': '1.240015', 'address': 'Playa de Cala Tarida. 07830 San José, Ibiza. Spain.', 'email': 'info@insotel.com', 'phone': '+34 971 80 62 72 | | Reservations +34 971 195 150', 'opening': '2025-05-02', 'closing': '2025-11-01', 'fax': '', 'type': 'resort', 'logo': '' }); hotels.push({ 'id': 'tzs5RlSuvXu6JEc29XjX4w', 'title': 'IBIZA - Insotel Fenicia Prestige Suites & Spa', 'latitude': '38.979064', 'longitude': '1.528125', 'address': 'C/ Narcisos s/n - 07840 Sta. Eulalia del Río', 'email': 'info@insotel.com', 'phone': '+ 34 971 33 86 92 | Reservations: +34 971 807000', 'opening': '2025-04-30', 'closing': '2025-10-26', 'fax': '', 'type': 'prestige', 'logo': '' }); current_hotel_id = null; var msg_select_hotel = "È necessario selezionare un hotel."; if(template == 'hotel-home'){ current_hotel_id = ''; } globals.arrival = '03/02/2025'; globals.departure = '04/02/2025'; hotels_location = []; hotels_location[0] = { name: 'MENORCA - Insotel Punta Prima Resort & Spa', address: 'C/Migjera s/n. San Lluis. .Zona Punta Prima. Menorca. C.P: 07713', latitude: '39.816851', longitude: '4.282237' }; hotels_location[1] = { name: 'FORMENTERA - Insotel Club Maryland', address: 'Playa Migjorn. C.P: 07860', latitude: '38.66426', longitude: '1.513492' }; hotels_location[2] = { name: 'FORMENTERA - Insotel Hotel Formentera Playa', address: 'Playa Migjorn, 07860 Formentera.', latitude: '38.685476', longitude: '1.467699' }; hotels_location[3] = { name: 'IBIZA - Insotel Club Tarida Playa', address: 'Playa de Cala Tarida. San José . C.P: 07830', latitude: '38.937877', longitude: '1.238244' }; hotels_location[4] = { name: 'MENORCA - Insotel Punta Prima Prestige Suites & Spa', address: 'C/ Mitjera, s/nº - 07713 Punta Prima', latitude: '39.816205', longitude: '4.283133' }; hotels_location[5] = { name: 'MALLORCA - Insotel Cala Mandia Resort & Spa', address: 'C/ Federico G. Lorca. s/n. Zona: Porto Cristo Novo. C.P: 07500', latitude: '39.5225', longitude: '3.311374' }; hotels_location[6] = { name: 'IBIZA - Insotel Tarida Beach Resort & Spa', address: 'Playa de Cala Tarida. 07830 San José, Ibiza. Spain.', latitude: '38.939884', longitude: '1.240015' }; hotels_location[7] = { name: 'IBIZA - Insotel Fenicia Prestige Suites & Spa', address: 'C/ Narcisos s/n - 07840 Sta. Eulalia del Río', latitude: '38.979064', longitude: '1.528125' }; var popup_offer = ""; var popup_menu = "Código de descuento INSOTEL"; var popup_title = "Junio 2016"; var popup_subtitle = "SPECIAL11816"; var popup_description = ""; var popup_web = ""; var popup_button_txt = "Visualizza Offerta"; var currentPromocode = 'SPECIAL11816'; var contactUrl = "/it/contatto";